Friday, March 30, 2007

Project Spectrum Review for Feb/March & looking ahead at April/May Projects

First of all I have to say that I made it into the LUCY NEATBY class!!! I am so excited about it that I cant even put it into words. I will have been taught by 2 of my knitting idols and I am amazed at that fact. I am becoming a better knitter every day and I never thought I would have caught on so fast.

I worked feverently on my BM sock today and now I am on the cabled part of the leg. The heel was so much fun to do with the short rows, wrapping and the garter stitch. It also fits perfectly and I changed my needles from a US #0 that I used for the toe, foot and heel and now I am using the Addi's #1 which is really a 2.5mm not your normal size 1 of 2.25mm. Everyone on the ROCKIN SOCKS BLOG said they switched to a 2 for the leg but I thought since the Addis run larger I would be OK. Lets hope when I am done it fits because not only is it cabled but ribbed and I know its going to be pulling in more than normal.

Now the title of the post is a review of Feb/Mar Project Spectrum Projects. I did quite a few.
~Mini Sweater that I made for the Finishing Class that was a beautiful BLUE
~Fair Isle hat that was WHITE and green
~Baby Booties that were made with Cashsoft in a BLUE green color
~My DD's slipper socks that were rainbow colors so they count
~My Plastic Surgeon's socks that are BLUE and GREY

I also did a few projects that would go toward April/May Project Spectrum Projects
~Baby Kimono in Blue Sky Alpaca Cotton Honeydew color
~BMFA Feb Sock Kit with the Monsoon colorway (all the colors of green and beyond)
~A baby Kimono I am working on right now with Blue Sky Alpaca Organic Cotton for my DH's friend who had a baby. It has pale geen tones in it.
~A scarf I am working on now from the book One Skein Wonders with Misti Alpaca in a Pink and greyish colorway.

On a side note, my son was very good today and even apologized to the bus driver for throwing the rock yesterday. Whenever he acted up I would tell him that he would have to go to his room and I would take his toys away and he immediately stopped. Its a work in progress and no one said it would be easy. They actually said it would be hard and it is but hes my son and worth it. I also have some plans to spend time with my DD away from my son so she can feel good about herself too. I pray every day that my kids will be safe and healthy and I know God is listening because of all the help he gave me when I was sick. I just have to keep on praying.

One Day at A Time

One Day at a time, with all its failures and fears, with all its hurts and mistakes, with its weakness and tears, with its portion of pain and its burden of care; One day at a time we must meet and must bear.

One Day at a time to be patient and strong; To be calm under trial and sweet under wrong: Then its toiling shall pass and its sorrow shall cease; It shall darken and die, and the night shall bring peace.

One Day at a time-but the day is so long, And the heart is not brave, and the soul is not strong, O Thou pitiful Christ, be Thou near all the way; Give courage and patience and strength for the day.

Swift cometh His answer, so clear and so sweet; "Yea, I will be with thee; thy troubles to meet; I will not forget thee, nor fail thee, nor grieve; I will not forsake thee; I will never leave."

Not yesterday's load we are called on to bear, Nor the morrow's uncertain and shadowy care; Why should we look forward or back with dismay? Our needs, as our mercies, are but for the day.

One Day at a time, and the day is His day; He hath numbered its hours, though they haste or delay. His grace is sufficient; we walk not alone; As the day, so the strength that He giveth His own.

Annie Johnson Flint


Curly Cable said...

Looks like you've been busy with your knitting! I bet the Lucy Neatby classes will be fun, I've just ordered a couple of her DVD's Can't wait for them to arrive, sounds like your doing better than me with the BM Sock, I still working very slowly on the foot, its taking ages, must be all that rib, I'm lovin it though!

CurlyBrunette said...

I cant wait for Lucy's class! They are going to be selling her DVDs there so I'll pick them up then. I hope I have the patience to wait until her class next month! I am almost done with one sock and I am enjoying it thouroughly. I am going to cast on immediately for the second one to avoid second sock syndrome.

yarn whisperer said...
this is a link for a great bind off.
I tried to comment on STR blog, but the server is on to your trick to fool it!
I used this bind off and loved it.
good luck

CurlyBrunette said...

Thanks Yarn Whisperer!