Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Isnt this supposed to be relaxing?

Knitting is supposed to be a meditative and relaxing thing to do but lately its turning into just the opposite. Knitting all these gifts for people in such a limited time is very frustrating. Instead of making what I really want to make cerain people I have resorted to fast and somewhat easy projects instead of challenging and rewarding projects. If it were up tp me I would knit everyone socks, really nice ones, but time is limited and socks take time. I knit fast but not that fast! Right now I am blocking the scarf I was working on in the last post (Blk/Brn merino ribbon like yarn) and started my sisters corset belt and a bamboo stitch scarf (which is very interesting and at least not as boring as straight stockingette/garter stitch). I made a list of all the people I would like to give a handmade gift to and I realize that maybe I should not be making a scarf for the mailman and give him something else. He's a nice man and I though it would be a nice gift instead of candy which we gave him last year. He can certainly use it in the winter when he is delivering mail. He doesnt walk around the neighborhood here because there are too many homes and some are far apart so he drives the little postal delivery truck (I love those little trucks! They would be great for short runs to the grocery store. Thats why I want a VESPA so bad, but thats another post). Well, I have to see how fast I can crank out these other gifts and then see if I can give these people what I planned on giving them.

I received my STITCHES ( ) info in the mail today. I am planning on going to the one thats going to be in Baltimore next October and I cant wait! Its a 3-4 day knitting conference that has classes and a marketplace that is all about kntiting (and some crocheting too). My OT went this year and invited me to go with her but all the classes were booked and I didnt have the money for it this year. When I get my tax refund I am going to put aside the money so I can pre-register and get a hotel room. My OT said I could room with her to save $ on the hotel so at least I'll save some money and spend what I save on yarn and stuff in the marketplace! Yay!

My DD's school is doing a presentation next week for Thanksgiving and the teacher sent a paper home talking about it. It says that "YOUR CHILD HAS CHOSEN TO BE A PILGRIM". The choices were Native American, something else or Pilgrim. I wish she chose to be the Native American then it would have been a lot easier to pick out the clothing and stuff they need for the costume because I have it. She needs a long skirt, apron, and white blouse for the pilgrim costume. All the things that I DONT have or if I did have (long skirt) dont fit her anymore. Then the note said not to go out and buy anything if you dont have it. Its also in the late moring where a lot of parents are not going to be able to make it and some kids are going to be disappointed if the parents cant be there. My DH is one of the parents that are working and my DD is a little upset.

My headache has returned and I am trying to rest now before I have to run out and get my DD from school. Ugh, these feakin' headaches!

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