Yesterday around 4pm I had a wave of nausea and sickness sweep over me like a wave. I wasnt sure what was happening but I felt like I was going to pass out and die. Yeah it was that bad. I actually can say that it felt like I was getting chemo again. My DH had explained to me that cancer patients who have received chemo can get whats called chemo rebound where they suddenly feel like I did yesterday. I was actually very scared while it was happening because I have had a migaine for over a week and its killing me and then my arm and hand is swolllen to twice its size so I thought it was all related in some way and I was going to spontaneously combust. I took some medication that I thought would help and ate a bite for dinner and I began to feel a teensy bit better. I felt the same this morning so I called the oncologist and he ordered a head MRI for tomorrow morning. UGH, I hate those because they put your head in this cage like vice so you cant move while they are doing the test. It sucks. Then I am a little frightened over what they could find. Last time I had a MRI of my head was over 7 years ago before my DD was born. I was having insane migraines all the time and thats why they did it. They didnt find anything and I hope they continue to find nothing. The DR said to take my Ativan before having the test and I would most likely sleep through it. If anyone has ever had an MRI its sooo loud that its like sleeping with a guy who is jackhammering right next to your head. I am not sure sleep is going to happen unless I OD on the Ativan.
Tonight I have a knitting meeting and I am excited to show them my socks (still not finished mind you). I have to do a little bit more and then I am done. I would have been done if I felt better but I WILL finish it today. Another nice woman I met in my socks class wants me to go to another knitting group tomorrow night and I really want to go to also. I hate when these damn headaches and such run my life. There are things I want to do and I cant do them because it hurts to much. Frustrating is the word for it.
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