Its beautiful outside right now and I am sitting in bed with my windows open in my bedroom to air it out. I am not sure as to what the temperature is but it must be in the 60's at least. (I just checked the weather channnel and its 57) My cat (the baby, crazy orange one) immediately jumped onto the windowsill to watch the birds. He would love to go outside but I dont allow that. I dont live on a farm and there is way too much trouble he would get in plus my other cat who is 12 has always been an indoor and I dont want to deal with him if he wants to go out to.
Last night was absolutely insane. I had been having back/flank pain in both kidney areas for the past couple of days and was dealing with it like an after effect of the chemo. Last night the pain was unbearable. I was at the point of passing out it was so bad. I called the oncologist (mine wasnt on call but another one my DH works with was on and she's sweet) to see what it could be or what I could do to alleviate the pain. I had already taken my pain meds (which are heavy duty) with no relief. Now I was beginning to worry because I couldnt even stand. The Dr called back immediately and asked me all kinds of questions. She told me that I need to go to the ER and get evaluated and to treat the pain because I couldnt do that at home. My Mom was already in her room snoring away so I snuck in there and told her where we were going and to listen for the kids. Thank God she was there otherwise we would have had to wait at least 30 minutes for someone to get here. We left immediately for the hospital.
At the hospital they triaged me and put me into a room right away. I saw a Dr within 30 minutes of my arriving and the 1st thing he did was take a ton of blood and urine and treat my pain. I took 2mg of Dilaudid to relieve it and I was able to lay in one position without actually being in pain. The blood results came back in 45 minutes and were surprisingly good. My counts were in normal range showing no signs of infection, dehydration or anemia, which is excellent being 7 days post chemo. Besides the major pain, I seemed to be in good shape! The Dr said that the likelyhood of it being stones was low due to the fact that the pain was on both sides and not just one. He suggested a CAT scan to evaluate further but said I would have to drink the gastro crap and have the IV dye. It wasnt worth it to me to go through all that when the blood results were negative. I didnt want another CAT scan either, it was now almost 2am, and DH had to be back at the hospital at 7am. Poor guy fell asleep in the recliner in the exam room, I felt so bad for him. The Dr said that one of the side effects of the Cytoxan was lower back/flank pain. In my opinion there is a definite relationship between the pain and the poison I am taking, I agree wholeheartedly. They sent me home with the new pain medicine and told me to call my oncologist in the morning. DH is going to talk to one of them at work today but since there is no other obvious signs they really cant do more than give me comfort measures and see what happens.
When we arrived back home it was almost 3am and my son woke up crying but thankfully went back to bed right away after a diaper change. I, unfortunately did not get to sleep for more than 30 minutes and woke up constantly. Maybe I will get a nap sometime today but right now there's to much beautiful birdsong outside my window to do that. I am watching a woodpecker go to town on a tree right outside my window.
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