I had treatment #2 Adriamycin/Cytoxan Treatment yesterday and feel much better today than I did after the 1st treatment 2 weeks ago. I am so encouraged by this and I can only say that all the prayers, positive thoughts and caring notes of encouragement from family & friends are responsible for making me better. I also started saying the prayer of Jabez everyday which I mentioned along with the link a few posts above this one.
Presently, I am getting waves of nausea and am extremely weak at the moment but I am more encouraged than I was after the 1st treatment when I felt so bad I wanted to die and couldnt physically leave the confines of my bathroom. I also attribute the way I feel to a new medication I am taking for the nausea and also because my DH bought me QUEAZ-AWAY Travelers Wristbands to elleviate nausea through the use of pressure points. They are also sold under the name SEA BANDS. I am keeoing them on for the following 5-6 days so I continue feeling better as the days pass. Today I also have to get my Nuelasta shot hubby has to give me. I am worried that I am going to have the same reaction with the severe kidney pain like I did the last time. The pain specialist that is seeing me right now adjusted the meds and told me to get on top of the pain before its too hard to control. I totally agree and thats what I plan on do.
Its also encouraging that I am able (at the moment ) to type here. Last time I couldnt even focus long enough to type a sentence. Maybe if I feel well enough I can make it to the Easter Egg Hunt at the park down the road this weekend. My Mom is going to be taking the kids with my husband so that should be fun.
To my LHC friends, thanks again for all your kindness, I wish I can repay you all in some way but please know that you are all special to me especially during this extremely difficult time in my life.
My 3rd AC treatment is scheduled for April 20th, 2006, 2 days prior to my 35th birthday. At least after that one I will be 75% done with the Adriamyin & Cytoxan. After that we move on to 4 rounds of Taxol which I heard has its own side effects unique unto itself.
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