Thursday, June 28, 2007

A Correction on Statistics

A while back I posted some statistics that the Young Survival Coalition had published and sent out in an appeal letter. I included them in a post titles HOW I RUINED CHRISTMAS? I have put a note next to them with the correction. You can also find more info at
The new and corrected stats that they have posted on their website:

"The latest available 10-year survival statistics are based on treatments through 1993. For those diagnosed between age 25 and 30, the 10-year survival rate is 60%; for those between age 30 and 35, the 10-year survival rate is 65%; for those between 35 and 40, the 10-year survival rate is 70%; and for those diagnosed between age 40 and 45, the 10-year survival rate is 77%."

Compared to the ones they are correcting they still dont sound to hot but its a bit better. Also remember that these stats are based on treatments through 1993 and its now 2007 so I gather they would be better now than in the 60th percentile. The Young Survival Coalition sent out an apology letter for printing this statistic because someone had called it into question and no direct link to published literature could be located. It pisses me off because it was sent in an appeal letter (thats a letter asking for donations) and thats so wrong in my opinion. Scaring someone into giving money, yeah, thats the way to do it. I want to know how a statistic gets published without a studies tied to it? Doesnt anyone question anything anymore? There are so many variables that go along with the study also like how many were involved in the study? What were their prior medical conditions if any? From what demagraphic were these women taken? And so much more. So what I am trying to say is dont get upset over any statistics because without any direct studies and info about the studies they are useless information only there to worry and upset people.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


My kids have a wonderful book that I bought for them a few years ago when my dog was paralyzed and unable to walk. Its called LIFETIMES. He was in so much pain that we had the appointment made to have him put down. Its something I didnt want to do and after reading the book a million times to my DD (my son was to young to understand) she understood what death was or as best as she was going to understand it. The book talks about how everything that is alive has a time thats called living thats in between being born and dying. I havent had to read the book since then and we didnt put my dog to sleep because he had a miraculous recovery. The book has been on my bookshelf for about 4 years until yesterday.

Yesterday we went out to SEARS to puchase a new dishwasher because ours just stopped draining water. (Nice, eh?) After Sears I promised my DD that I would stop at the brand new HUMONGOUS JoAnn's to get some polymer clay to make bears (see photos in my post later). After spending way to much money on clay, a beautiful sewing basket, cat, sheep, cow, and ducky buttons for future baby clothes I will knit, craft projects for the kids, and absolutely NO yarn we finally went home. I told the kids to go directly to the playroom when they walked into the house because my DH was going to walk the dogs and I was going to set up a project for them to do. In the playroom, almost directly in the center of the room lay my 13 year old brown tabby, Dommy. He wasnt laying in the normal way a cat lays when sleeping because he didnt raise his head when we came into the room. All my years working for the Bronx Zoo and as a Veterinary Tech told me that he was no longer with us. My beloved Dommy cat was no longer with us and crossed over Rainbow Bridge. This is a little tribute to my kitty whom I loved so much I cant even describe. I held his cold, stiff body for a while and then the smell started to get to me. My DH went outside in the yard where we buried the bird in December and started to dig a hole. The kids were hysterical and couldnt stop crying so I had them help me look for a big enough box to hold Dom. We sat down and read the book LIFETIMES and they drew with crayons and markers on the box. My DD wrote that she loved Dom with hearts all over the top and my DS drew a house with all of us in it. It was so cute that it made me cry even more than I was already. We then went outside, said goodbye and buried him. Tomorrow I am going to try and find one of those garden stones that you can make with the animals name on it so we can mark his grave. I think it will be a nice thing for the kids to do to remember him.

Dominick (Dommy) Born Jan.1994~Died June 26, 2007. 13 years with us and we will always love you.
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The kids were very upset and they wanted to get another cat right away. My concern was for my other cat, Tommy who was Dommy's best buddy. He is only 3 years old so hes a baby compared to Dom. We got him the same day my Poppy died in August of 2004. Tommy was crying and meowing all over the house last night searching aimlessly for Dom. It was very sad to watch and I wasnt sure what to do. My DH thought the kids were right and the best thing to do was to get another cat preferably a kitten so he/she could adjust to the other animals in the house. I called the Westport Humane Society and asked if they had any kittens for adoption. It must have been fate because they said they had a ton of them for adoption. Any other time I have been there they never have any kittens. This was the 1st time I have seen kittens there. They had black and white ones and a litter of brown tabby's (like my Dommy). We first looked at the black and white one but she wasnt friendly and kept running away and at one point jumped into the garbage pail! I asked if the tabbies were more friendly than the black and whites and the lady had told us not only were they more friendly but the lady that had fostered them until they were the age where they can be adopted had other cats and dogs in the household. She said this ladies dog was like the kittens foster mother. When she brought us the kitten to play with you could immediately tell that this was the cat for us. She was perfect! Friendly, playful and good with both my kids. She's only 8 weeks so we have to be careful not to step on her and hurt her.
We have her in a crate until all the animals adjust to her. So here are the 1st pictures of our little girl Nicky who we estimate was born 5/2/07:
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The day before Dommy died was a joyful one because it was my doggies 12th birthday! We had a birthday cake with candles that the kids helped blow out. Instead of eating the chocolate cake (which is poison for dogs) we gave them some corn bread which they loved. Everyone was happy.
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Some happy pics of my kids in our pool. I took these with my telephoto lens from in the house.
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These are the polymer clay bears I made the other evening. The polar bear is actually a pin that I gave to my DD to wear. This is the reason I bought all the clay at JoAnn's yesterday. With all the stuff happening we havent had a chance to make any yet. This is a Panda Bear, Polar Bear, Stuffed Teddy Bear and Papa Bear:
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BlueMoon Fiber Arts June Sock Kit~ The Solstice Slip Pattern with Firebird colorway. I absolutely love these colors and I have not seen them together in any other yarns before. It reminds me of Fawkes in the Harry Potter Books
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Beautiful yarns I bought at
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Claudia's Handpainted Yarn in Strawberry Latte Colorway
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I had my staples removed today by one of the surgeons PA's and my leg feels a whole lot better! Wow, its amazing how much those darn staples hurt! I also had to see my plastic surgeon today to check my tattoos and see if they looked OK. He said that they were looking good and it takes time for them to fade to the right color. I have to see him in November and then he will decide if I need to have more tattooing. Maybe I can make him another pair of socks and give it to him as a Christmas present!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Pathology Report is in!

The phone rang the other day and it was the surgeon filling in for mine calling with my pathology report. He's a great Dr but speaks in a monotone voice so I thought at first that he had bad news for me. He started saying that the tumor wasnt a Schwannoma or a Neuroma like they first thought but something called a Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumor. These tumors are found in and around JOINTS such as the knee not in the location mine was in which was the sciatic nerve. Mine wasnt not next to or near the nerve but entangled in the nerve. So much so that they had to cut my sciatic nerve in 2 spots and re-attach it. HE then told me that the final report says that it was benign! Thank God! I was so worried about this tumor you have no idea. With my luck being the way it is I was prepared for just about anything and I was getting ready to go through all kinds of hellish treatment again. I am very happy with the pathology results but I am not happy with the pain I am experiencing with my leg. Since I had neuro surgery I not only get the surgical pain but nerve pain. I dont have to much nerve pain but it comes in waves and when I do get it I cant do a darn thing. I think I am going to need some type of PT to get my leg back into shape. I have an appointment for a follow up with the surgeon next week so I guess we will discuss it then. The staples that I have in my leg are really bothering me and they need to come out. I dont think I can wait until the end of next week so my DH is going to pick up a staple remover today when we swing by the hospital on our way to my cousins house. The ones on the end of my incsision are falling out anyway.

I hate to complain all the time but there are times I have to and I think with all the pain and discomfort I am having it makes it easier to complain about things. The things I do compain about are legitimate complains and for all I have been through I think it gives me the right to complain about whatever I want. The first complaint is that I cannot take another medical problem or surgery. My body needs a break. You definitely know that you have had enough when you sit down to fill out those forms before you take a test such as an MRI or CAT scan where they ask you your past medical and surgical history? You know those lovely forms I am speaking of right? Well, when there is not enough room on those to write all the surgeries, procedures, treatments and medical histories then you have got a problem. I almost want to write: "To many to write down, please see medical records", but you cant do that because the techs doing the test on you need to know certain things before the test is done. I almost ran out of ink and its so annoying to list them all. I wont even bore you with them here. I am just tired of it all.

Another problem that keeps bothering me is the situation with my sister. I havent spoken about it in a long time because I was ignoring it and not letting it get to me but lately with whats been going on its bothering me again. I want to write another letter to her but the 1st one I wrote didnt get me anywhere so I think it wont be worth the effort. The main things about this situation that bother me the most are:
~my Mom doesnt do anything about it and keeps saying that she's sick of what my sister is doing and how she's treating not only me but them. She's almost 30 and she is still at home and my Mom claims she cant speak to her because she is never home. Ugh, that never stopped her from telling me what was on her mind! How about putting a chain lock on the door or changing the lock so that she has to ring the bell and then she cant run when you have to open the door to let her in? Then you can say to her, "We need to talk right now" no matter what time of the day it is. If its a problem thats destroying relationships then isnt it worth doing something about? Its not even a matter of her acting like my sister again because I know that its not going to happen but in our family there were always consequences for our actions and if I ever treated anyone the way my sister has treated me and my kids then there would be hell to pay. It would never happen because my parents wouldnt allow me to do things like that so why do they allow my sister? My Mom says she has no control over her and shes right that she cant control her actions and how she treats people but she certainly doesnt have to accept it or put up with it. My sister is walking all over them and they are allowing it to happen, its their own fault. They need to present a united front and speak to her together. Tough love is what I say. Its not even tough love its treating others how you want to be treated so I say give her a dose of her own medicine.
~The other thing is that my parents keep giving her CHANCES. She doesnt deserve these chances. Why do they do this? My Mom said to me before my surgery, "I had it out with your sister (again!) and I told her that she has one last chance to make this right and to call you after your surgery". OK, first of all it would NOT make anything right by forcing her to call me or threatening her to call me after my surgery. God, do I feel loved now! Its so sincere when someone is forced to do something like that! NOT! Would it make all the things she did to me in the past go away if she did call me? Fat chance. What did my kids do to deserve this treatment? They ask me all the time about their Aunt and what am I supposed to say? At this age kids take all the blame on themselves when things go wrong. They think that everything is their fault and from what they have said to me about this situation they think that they did something wrong to make their Aunt not want to speak or play with them. Its sad that she is doing this to them and its even sadder that my parents wont do anything about it. My parents are being wimps with this situation and I have never had the luxury of getting away with murder when it came to them so I cant understand why they are doing it. Lets keep giving her chances that she doesnt even dererve! God that makes me so angry and it hurts like hell. In conclusion, my sister did not call me nor have I seen her since Christmas. Do I want to see her? No. Do I want an apology? That would be nice but its not going to happen. What do I want to happen in this situation? I want my parents to step up and be parents. I want them to show her that she cant treat people this way and have no consequences to her actions. Throw her out of your house and thats it. She'll either come to the realization that she is acting like an ass or she wont. The moral of the story is that if she does continue to act like an ass you dont want that type of person in your life anyway. No one has a realationship with her now so its not like they are going to be sacrificing it? I dont get it.

Now that I feel better getting that off my chest I'll talk about whats new in knitting news. I got my Blue Moon Fiber Arts Rockin Sock Club June Kit in the mail 2 days ago and I already am working on the pattern in the foot. I love it! Its such a great colorway and I promise to post pictures next time. They are all on my camera with the new yarn I received from my order to WoolGirl. On my way back from my post-surgery MRI on Friday I stopped at my LYS, Knitting Central, to pick up size 0 Addi Turbos for the sock because my other 0's are in use on my Tofutsies. I went through all my needles and I cant believe that I only had one size 0! I have about 5-6 size 1's and 2's but only one 0 (I do have DPN's in all sizes but rather make socks on the magic loop). It was unthinkable! So I made my 1st visit to KC since before my surgery. Everyone there was so happy to see me, asking how I was and all. I love that store because the employees are a joy and so kind and compassionate along with Cynthia, the owner. I wasnt able to attend my STARRY NIGHT SHAWL CLASS on the 21st because I was in way to much pain to sit for an extended period of time and concentrate on the shawl. I am going to attend the class in August and then the last one in September. That gives me plenty of time to get things done. One of the ladies from the class was in the store working on the shawl so I had a chance to see how it looked on the long circular. Its so beautiful! I hope mine will look like that when I get to that point. She made me a little nervous because I told her that I was putting a life line into the whole hexagon and all its stitches when the instructions say to put one in every 17 stitches. I didnt realize this until later on but I dont think its going to be an issue since I made the life line VERY long and can easily fix that. The important thing is that the hexagon is on a lifeline and later will be kitchnered to the other hexagons. If I need some assistance I am sure someone will help me and not leave me to dangle in the breeze.
The sweater I started for my cousin (who's birthday party I am going to later) is not going to be finished for today's party. No surprise there but it is going to be finished soon because its on size 11 needles. I am using one of my favorite yarns, Schaefer Elaine. Its such a beautiful colorway (Kermie) and I love the small percentage of elastic in the mix because it makes it a bit stretchy for baby to fit comfortably in. I am making it in a size 3 instead of the 2 like I had originally planned so he gets more wear out of it. My other little cousin's birthday is next month and I plan on making her the same sweater in "The Little Mermaid" colorway. I havent forgotten about the cabled tank top that I am making for myself from Berocco's Love It! yarn. I am almost done with the back and then will start the straps. Its such a nice yarn to work with that also has that bit of stretch to it. Maybe if I didnt have so many projects I would get done faster with some of them? Well, I like having different projects to work on and they do get done, just slower than most other people! I love working on my socks so I always have to have at least 4-5 in the works and I do get them done. Knitty has an awesome pattern out now for an anklet sock that I want to make so badly! One of the lovely ladies at my LYS made a pair out of Panda Cotton and its to die for! Its so soft and squishy! (Is that a word?). I picked up the Addis and also some of Claudia's Handpainted in Strawberry Latte (it looks like neopolitan ice cream) and Nashua's Bloom Book. I have wanted that book ever since I saw the completed sweater on the cover on a friends blog. Its baby's 1st Aran and its adorable! There are 14 designs for babies in the book and 2 of my Dr's are having babies in the fall so I thought it would be nice to have a nice choice of baby pattens to make for them.

Over the past few weeks I have had this itch to make an Afghan for my living room and my sons room. My DD has the afghan that my Mom made me when I was a little girl. Someday I will get a picture of it. Its 36 years old and holding up strong. I am sure it will last another 36 years. See, acrylic is good for something! LOL. I dont mind acrylic as long as its not scratchy. Caron Simply Soft and Red Heart Soft Yarn are two nice acrylic choices and recently I bought a ton of Lion Brand Cotton Ease which is 50 cotton and 50 acrylic. I am pouring over a ton of books such as: 201 Crochet Motifs, Blocks, Projects & Ideas, 200 Crochet Blocks for Blankets, Throws and Afghans, 100 Afghans and 7 Day Afghans, just to name a few. So far I cant decide on what I want to do. I have ideas but the main thing is that I dont want to have to carry around a huge blanket in the summer heat. I am leaning toward doing a mitered square so I can just make a bunch of those which are totally portable and cool in the heat. The problem is I cant decide on whether to crochet it or knit it! I have such an itch to crochet but every time I have started to make a granny square I rip it up and put it away for another day. I am just not happy with what I am doing. I love the Log Cabin and the Mitered Square blankets in Mason-Dixon Knitting so thats another choice I can go with. Maybe there are to many choices? LOL

Other good news is that I might have someone who wants to carry my stitch markers in their online knitting/yarn store!! That would be fantabulous! I am mailing some out to her this week so wish me luck! I ordered from my favorite store again: and I cant wait to get my stuff, which should be here on Monday. My DH bought me a beautiful set of jewelery tools to work with instead of the crappy ones I bought from the craft store. The cheap ones dont even compare to the HUSKY brand he bought me at HOME DEPOT. I should return those other ones because they pretty much dont work and I just bought them! I am also experimenting with polymer clay and having fun making all kinds of shapes and such. More surprises to come!

Gotta get ready to go to a BBQ now so off I go...
Happy Knitting!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

A Tidalwave of Change

BREAKING NEWS: "A Tidalwave washed over a pre-school graduation forcing all in its wake to go down a slippery slide wearing colorful Project Spectrum Bracelets" Also in todays news: "A nervous woman waits patiently for her pathology results to come in"

I thought that this would make a nice title but was way to long. At least I still have my sense of humor. LOL.
Here are some pictures of the bracelets I mentioned:

A Purple/Orange Bracelet for Aug/Sept Project Spectrum (a little early but what do you want!)
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A Red and Metallic bracelet for June/July Project Spectrum. I gave this one to my Mom to go with all her red outfits.
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Yesterday was my son's graduation from Pre-School and it was so cute! I am so glad that I was able to make it. I wasnt able to sit on the chairs properly but I made it and thats all that counts. It lasted 30 minutes and then the kids went back to eat lunch. Here are some pics of him receiving his diploma and then showing Daddy.
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While I was in the hospital my DH did a little shopping. We had discussed buying this ONCE before but agreed that we would pass on it because we had the pool to take care of and it wasnt cheap. We had to replace the motor on the pool this year but since my Mom gave one to my DH for his birthday, he thought that meant it was OK to get this...SLIDE. After seeing the kids playing on it and having so much fun I dont regret his purchase. Actually, I cant wait until my leg heals so I can go down the slide. There is a weight limit of 200lbs so even DH makes the cut (barely!).
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Kali waving from the top of the slide. This is the view from my deck.
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Sticking to the theme of water and changes, here are my completed BlueMoon Fiber Arts April Sock. Its not the Grasshopper pattern that came with the kit but this one suits the colors much better (in my humble opinion). Its called TIDALWAVE from SWTC and its a patten thats made to go with their TOFUTSIES yarn. I dont think the wool/silk fiber is a good choice for the lacey pattern of the Grasshoppers because it doesnt have the elasticity to hold themselves up on your legs. It is a great pattern for 100% wool sock though or even a sock made from Cascade Fixation Yarn.
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It was difficult to get good shots of my legs due to the surgery and my inability to get them in the proper position for a good picture. I also didnt block the socks which makes it harder to see the "Tidalwave" pattern. I loved this pattern so much that I want to make them again using my other BM yarns.

Currently I am waiting for the Dr to call me with the results of the biopsy. The surgery went well and he had to cut my sciatic nerve in 2 spots in order to remove the tumor. I went into surgery a little before 12pm and came out around 5pm. A long intricate surgery is what he described it as. I had my favorite anesthesiologist which made me feel more comfortable. He was actually the same anesthesiologist I had for my back surgery back on March 19th of 2003. The day after the surgery the surgeon came to see me. He was amazed at the fact that I was able to move my leg so well and have full sensation in both my leg and foot. He said that generally people who have had this procedure have difficulty walking or even just walking so soon after surgery. His amazement with my progress made me feel good but the pain is whats bothering me at the moment.

I forgot to add a FABULOUS website that sells the most beautiful handpainted yarn! If you love the Loopy Ewe (which I do) you'll love shopping at WoolGirl. I put the link in my sidebar. Go check her out. I purchased some yarn there the other day and it literally got here in the blink of an eye! Pictures of the yarn to come. (I cant give you too much at once, right? Then what would you look forward to? Hmm?)

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there (sorry this is sooo late!) I bought my DH some really nice (and colorful) polo shirts which he practically lives in. I bought my Dad a funny T-Shirt that says something about Grandparents being parents without rules. Its really cute. I told him that I will knit him something nice when the weather gets cooler. He loved the socks I made for his birthday so I think he requested a "thinner" knit on his next pair. I can do that. As soon as I finish knitting a milion other things! LOL

Friday, June 15, 2007

T Minus 2 Hours

Its almost time for me to leave for the hospital. I am nervous but I would be worried if I wasnt nervous. I brought all my good luck stuff that has come with me to all my surgeries in the past such as my Build A Bear Boxer named Baley. All the Dr's and nurses get a kick out of him when they see him on my bed especially when I am in the recovery room waking up from surgery and there is this stuffed dog dressed up in scrubs like the surgeon! Its a sight to behold I tell you. I am not sure when I will be coming home but I am guesstimating Saturday or Sunday if I am not having to much pain. Say a prayer and see you all then!

PS:I also made sure to bring my knitting. I brought my Entrelac scarf to fool around with, my Spring Fling sock, Tidalwave sock, Tofutsies sock, DH's Jaywalker and thats it. I think I have enough! LOL.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A Nice Post with some Crazy Hair

I thought I would start out with this cute picture of my kids. Arent they cute? I cant remember when I took this picture but it cant be more than a week old.
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I have been into jewelry making lately and this is my latest creation. I went up to the local AC Moore craft store today and they were having a HUGE 30% off sale on ALL jewelry and jewelry components. You cant beat that! Of couse I bought some stuff.
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Here is my son playing outside. I caught him by surprise taking this picture from the inside of the house.
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I have been speaking a lot about the STARRY NIGHT SHAWL class I am taking and I havent shown a picture of it. Here is the infamously difficult and challenging shawl. Isnt it pretty? Of course it is, thats why I am taking the class!
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Here are some completed hexagons close up and at a distance. I have finished 3 and am currently working on the 4th one. Instead of working it on the 10" DPN's I decided to try making it by way of the magic loop. So far so good but I havent finished it yet. I am using Karabella's Vintage Cotton.
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This week they are having all kinds of fun things going on at my DD's school and today was CRAZY HAIR DAY. I am not sure if it was as crazy as some of the other kids hair but it was the craziest I could do.
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This is my black and tan mini doxie, Ernie, who is also turning 11 in November. I recently had the two oldest dogs teeth cleaned because they are old and the vet said if I was going to do it then I should do it now. Ernie has a heart murmur that they expect to get worse and Frank my other dog pictured below with Ernie is 12 and has some of the symptoms of Cushings Disease. Its very expensive to work up the dog just to get the diagnosis and the meds are equally expensive so the vet says as long as he is happy we will leave him be. If his symptoms get worse then I will worry about doing other things. All I know is that I love my doxies and I dont know what I would do if something happened to them. Also I think this picture qualifies for Project Spectrums June/July colors since the dogs are Red and Black!
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Saturday, June 09, 2007

Short and Sweet (or Sour)

Well, I am not going to go off on a rant which I want to do but what would it solve? Here is a semi-rant because it makes me feel better and I'll just say that I am very hurt and upset. I have been in pain for so long that instead of people (I wont say who) asking me if I need any help this weekend with my kids since my DH is working and due to my surgery which I found out yesterday is next Friday they run off on a mini-vacation. They'll claim that they dont do anything for themselves and blah blah blah but I will be selfish for once in my life: Cant they see whats right in front of them or is it that I have been ill for such a long time that its like the boy who cried wolf? Am I expected to "live with it" (the pain) and "suck it up". All I know is anyone who gave a shit would have been here at my house this weekend helping me with my kids. But of course they wouldnt know what its like to be the patient for almost 9 years or have pain where you cant even walk. I am taking so much pain medicine just to function that I am falling asleep standing up. I'll hear the bullsh*t that I was invited to go with this person but how the hell am I supposed to go anywhere and have fun or do anything remotely enjoyable when I am in so much pain? This person just doesnt get it because they have never been in my positon. Why do I always have to ask for help? Cant they offer it? My friends have nothing wrong with them and their parents practically watch their kids 24/7. I am not asking for that but give me a break. I am sick of hearing, "I didnt know you needed help, why didnt you ask?" You mean to tell me that you cant tell with all the Dr's visits, diagnostic tests, and pain medication that I am taking that you cant tell I need help? Do you need a brick to hit you on the f-ing head? Wake up. I apologize for my medical problems interfering with peoples lives but they seem to forget that this IS MY life. I am living this hell and it wont end no matter what I do. I dont have an endless supply of help lining up at my door asking if I need anything. I do have friends but most of them dont live close and have lives of their own and children to take care of. I dont expect them to drop everything for me. I dont want to argue about this because my feelings dont mean anything to anyone. Everytime I try to explain what I just did I get silenced and shut up. I am unable to complete my sentences so thats the reason I wrote this blog entry.

I get upset when I see others who have sisters or brothers that give a shit knowing that my sister doesnt care if I live or die. She'd probably show up at my funeral like a hypocrite and cry that she cared so much and a whole bunch of other crap. I could go on and on but I wont. I'll skip to a subject that makes me happy.

On Thursday night I had my 1st Starry Night Shawl class with Jane Elliot. When I got there she wanted to see the yarn I chose and she told me nicely that although it was a gorgeous variegated yarn, it wasnt going to work with the pattern. Since it wasnt a continuous pattern it wasnt going to stripe correctly and would ruin the design of the shawl. I took pictures to show what I mean but I havent had a chance to get them on the computer. It took me a while but I finally chose to use Karabella's Vintage Cotton in a deep rose color. I am using size 4 needles which makes it a sport weight yarn but it feels more like a fingering weight to me. The design is made up of 15 hexagons that have a crocheted flower petal center. After all the hexagons are made they are kitchnered together and then you put the entire shawl on a 60" circular needle to finish the design. Finally the edgings are crocheted and the shawl is complete. By that time I'll be in a nursing home and will get full use of the shawl sitting in my geri-chair under the A/C. (that was a sad attempt at humor there). I have so far completed 2 hexagons and that means the count down to completion is 13 hexagons. Its diffiult to do when there are distractions because if you make a mistake you have to start all over again. The hexagons are also made on 10" DPN's and another hazard of making this shawl is that you can poke your eye out or someone else's. We have some really nice people in the class and whats nice is they all know what they're doing and there are no stupid questions that waste the teachers time. That happened in my finishing class that I took in February. There was one lady that didnt even know how to do a simple decrease. No offense but why the heck are you taking the class if you cant even do a decrease? Enough bitching for one post. Time to knit.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

More Waiting

On Tuesday I went to see the other neurosurgeon to see what he had to say about the tumor in my leg. He reviewed my MRI and did a full exam then told me that it has to be removed and he can do it. He also was nothing like the other ass of a Dr I had seen previously. Now I am just waiting for a surgery date which they are trying to get me next week because the Dr is going away the following week. Yesterday I had to go to the hospital to have an ultrasound of my leg and also have the ultrasound that was already planned for my GYN to take a look at my ovaries. I have a pelvic ultrasound every year just to keep an eye out for anything abnormal since I had breast cancer. The GYN called me today and said that the preliminary report was normal and she was waiting for the final to come in but didnt expect anything out of the norm. After I had the ultrasounds I had to stop at my GP's office to see if I could get an exam to be pre-certified for the surgery. Its funny because I never needed to do that before but since I turned 36 in April I need the authorization of my general practicioner before any surgery by another Dr. You couldnt believe what I had to do just to get a simple exam. Thinking about it makes my head hurt more than it already does so I'll just skip it and say I got it done. It took a few hours but I got my blood drawn, an EKG and an exam done yesterday. Now this morning the receptionist told me that she didnt think it was possible that I could have this surgery next week...but in the same sentence said that she would try. WHAT?? Is the whole world losing their minds? She said that she would call me this morning and its now 2pm. I am holding back from calling her because I dont want to be a pain in her behind.

Last night I was going to blog but after running around all day with all the stress I had a HUGE migraine and got into bed and into the fetal position. I couldnt even knit. The horror! Tonight I have my Starry Night Shawl class with Jane Elliot. I have all my supplies that I need to bring including the yarn which is Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks that Rock Heavyweight in Pink Granite, different size needles (3,4 and 5's) because I am not sure what size to use yet, and crochet hooks from size D to G. The main work on this shawl is done in DPN's and get this, 10 INCH DPN's!! These babies are weapons! I havent bought them yet because the class tonight is going to be deciding what size needles we are going to be using. There are 6 people in the class and I cant wait to see who they are and if I know anyone from previous classes.

Currently I am finishing up my BM socks because the next kit is going out June 18th so I have to finish these before I start June's kit. I also have a deadline on the sweater I am making for my cousin who is turning a year. His birthday party is the end of the month so I have some time. I bought 2 buttons to match the yarn perfectly because I dont think a one year old boy would appreciate ribbons on his sweater.

I am sure I'll have a lot to say about the class later on. I just hope that I dont miss any future classes due to my surgery. I have to speak to the teacher and see if there is any way I can make up a class if I happen to miss one.

Monday, June 04, 2007

The Yarn Harlot at WEBS~5/30/07

I arrived in Northampton early so I checked into my hotel room and then of course headed over to WEBS to shop early.
Here is my lovely room which was really nice and the bed was surpisingly comfortable. I normally sleep on a SLEEP NUMBER BED so I am a bit picky about my beds. While I was wandering around WEBS I ran into the Yarn Harlot herself. She had a small group of people that were with her so it was difficult to just walk up to her if I wanted to. I was a bit chicken and shy (who ME?) but I thought that I would get a chance later to see her so I let it go. Little did I know...
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I spent so much time at WEBS that I had JUST enough time to go back to my room, change and get a cup of coffee so I could be awake for the event. I was exhausted by this point because the drive put a lot of stress on my leg which was hurting really bad by this time of day and all I wanted to do was lay down and prop it on a pillow.

When we arrived at the Calvin Theater (when I say 'we' I am referring to all the knitters) the WEBS employees gave us a goody bag with yarn (Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran) and Boye Needles (size 8) to knit a square for WARM UP AMERICA while we were listening to Steph speak. I did half of mine there and then finished it in the hotel room and dropped it off at WEBS before I left town. Here is Stephanie at the podium with a beer in front of her provided by Mr Elkin (one of the owners of WEBS). They certainly know how to treat their guests! Stephanie was fabulously funny and made me laugh from the moment she came out to the podium until the last words that came out of her mouth. She is not only a talented knitter and writer but a wonderful speaker to boot. When she ended her talk we all headed back to WEBS for the book signing.
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This was on display at WEBS and its amazing to see in person. Its a knitted glove for one of those hand chairs and I am sure took lots of time and patience.
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Here is Steph signing books at WEBS after her appearance at the Calvin. When we arrived at the Calvin we were handed a card with a time to come back to WEBS to get in line for Stephanie to sign our books. Mine was 7:45pm but the talk ended at that time. We all headed back as fast as we could and the line was already snaking to the back of the warehouse which is NOT air conditioned and about a 2 hour wait (at least) from where I was standing. I didnt really want an autograph but a chance to tell Stephanie how knitting and her blog changed my life. I know it sounds kind of sappy but its true. I dont know where I would be right now if I didnt have knitting. It has centered me and made me realize that I have a special talent. I can make beautiful things that I can share with the ones I love. It has saved me from obsessing over many things including my cancer coming back (especially now with this tumor in my leg) and especially after my surgeries when I wasnt able to do anything but knit. Enough of my reminiscing about the past, I am getting emotional thinking about it. So I didnt get an autograph because I didnt wait in the line. Due to the tumor in my leg and the pain and discomfort it was causing me I wasnt able to wait for such a long time. The WEBS people had said if there was anyone who was unable for any reason to wait on the line they would be able to come to the front to see Steph but I couldnt do that. From the outside I look fine, like nothing is wrong with me and I can just imagine what people would have said or thought if I cut the 3 mile line! Its OK and I am sure I will see her again when she writes another book and tours! YEH!
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I purchased some gorgeous yarns, all with a purpose or pattern in mind. I bought a gorgeous sweater pattern by Stitch Diva Studios, Wendy Bernard, called SAHARA. Its simply elegant and you have the option of making it without sleeves, with short sleeves or with long sleeves. From what I have read about the pattern on line many say that its a very simple pattern thats easy to understand. I purchased Valley Yarns which is made specifically for WEBS and its called GOSHEN. Its 48% Peruvian Cotton, 46% Modal and 6% Silk. You can see it in one of my pictures below how pretty a shine it has and the color I chose is called MULBERRY. Its a color that I know would look good on me but by buying it I did step out of my comfort zone. This picture doesnt include all the yarns I bought because I went back to WEBS before leaving town to get some other stuff like patterns I was eyeing and also some baby yarn for a blanket I want to crochet for my doctor whose having a baby in August. Actually I bought a lot of baby yarn because 2 doctors of mine (my GP and my GI Doctor are both having their 4th child! Wow, 2 is more than enough for me especially since my DS is like having 2 kids anyway!
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This is one of my favorite yarns called Elaine by Schaefer Yarns. The colorway is called "Hermione" from the Harry Potter books. I wanted to buy more of it to make a sweater but it was a bit pricey so its going to have to be a vest for my DD or somethng else. I have to think about it. I am making my 2 little cousins who are turning one year this summer each a sweater for their birthdays with "Kirmie" and "Little Mermaid" colorways.
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Here is a GORGEOUS yarn that I fell in love with the minute I touched it. Its bamboo and silk and if I had an endless supply of money I would have bought enough to make a sweater. SInce it costs $9.99 for 93-98 yards (cant remember exactly) and I would need about 1000 to 1200 yarns that would be, lets see, over $125 for the sweater. Well, you are saying what does she want for a homemade sweater made with the finest bamboo and silk? You're right, its not that much in the scheme of things but I bought GOSHEN by Valley Yarns with the same amount of yardage for $3.99 a skein and paid $40 for 10 skeins. Thats a big difference and what I like about Valley Yarns. They make a cheaper substitiute for almost all the name brand yarns out there for much less money and thats key in my book and moreso in my pocketbook!
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The lovely GOSHEN yarnI was raving about earlier:
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Since this is a knitting blog how about some pictures of what I have been making instead of yarn all the time? Here is my finished Tidalwave sock (keep in mind that is not blocked) which began as a Grasshopper in Blue Moon Fiber Arts April's Rockin' Sock Club Colorway, Walking on the Wild Tide. I decided as I was 1/4 of the way into the pattern that it wasnt working with the colors of the yarn so I decided to change the pattern to TIDALWAVE by SWTC. Its meant to be knit on the TOFUTSIES yarn. Its an easy, gratifying pattern and I love it. I am already on the pattern part of the leg on the 2nd sock. The 2nd one always goes faster than the 1st but when you have 8 projects going on at once its hard to get them done. I've been working on all of them slowly but working none the less so they'll get done eventually.
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My Starry Night Shawl Class begins this week and I am excited and nervous at the same time about it. Its going to be beautiful since its going to be made with BMFA yarn in the Pink Granite colorway. The class is for the experienced knitter and thats what worries me. Cynthia says she considers me experienced after all the stuff I have made and that makes me feel best of all. Thats why I love my LYS, Knitting Cental, so much. The employees there empower the knitter to go out and do the project no matter what it is. I have never heard a negative word from any one who works there about what I could or couldnt do with my knitting. They are all wonderful and invaluable because each one of them has their areas of speciality where you can find help in whatever you are working on from crochet, lace, socks, intarsia or finishing. You name it they can help you.

Tuesday is another big day for me because I get to see another Dr who does peripheral nerve surgery. I did some research myself online and what I found is not any where near the same info that I found the other day. The info that I stumbled on last night was very frightening and mentioned the possibility that it was a malignancy was higher than I previously thought because of its location on the sciatic nerve. I read that these have a high percentage of malignancies. I didnt need to read this at 4am in the morning and it was depressing me also. I am going to continue to think positive and pray to God that it can safely be removed and that its benign. I dont want to type any other info that I found until I know exactly what this thing is. The bad thing about that is I probably wont know what it really is until it comes out and goes to pathology just like the tumors in my breasts. Please say a prayer that its nothing bad. Thank you so very much. :>)

Saturday, June 02, 2007

A Trip to "The Big City"

This is what my 2 kids have always called NYC, the BIG CITY. Its so cute and I think my DD got it from a book that DH used to read to her when she was a baby. Its stuck and my DS picked it up now. Its adorable when they talk about it in front of people who dont know what they are talking about. When I had long hair I used to go to the place where all curly girls flocked to, DEVACHAN (salon), the brainchild of Lorraine Massey, queen of the curl. Anyway, when I had to go down there for a trim my kids would always say, "Mommy's going to the BIG CITY for a haircut!" It made people think, WOW, She must be high maintainance to get her hair cut in the city. Yeah right, first off I dont go anymore and believe me even if I did I am not high maintainance! I dont do my nails, no eyebrow waxing, nothing really. I do it all myself and have even cut my own hair when it was long enough to see the ends. (Heck I cut everyone elses in the family so why not-I'm qualified! LOL)

The reason I mentioned the BIG CITY is that we are going to see THOMAS LIVE ON STAGE today with the kids in the BIG CITY. I caught some previews on TV for it and even I am excited. I am not excited about the money I will be spending on parking and souvenirs. Its going to be very hot too and ever since getting back from the Yarn Harlot event (pictures soon people) its been hurting more and more to the point I am having difficulty walking. Its scaring me because it reminds me of the pain I had before my back surgery in 2003. I have an appointment on Tues with a new Dr and I am praying for some good news.
All I have to do is decide which knitting project to bring and not have confiscated at the door of the theater due to the killing nature of the knitter in the wild with her Addi Turbos! Give me a break people, they arent even that sharp! Now if I was using my KNITPICKS DPN's those suckers are so sharp that you can probably do some major damage.

I just remembered that the show OSWALD was about an octopus that used to be on Nickalodeon every morning when my DD was a baby. He refers to THE BIG CITY in the cartoon! Thats where she got it from. Well, I have to get going and get ready. Hopefully I will have somepictures up tomorrow of my finds from WEBS, all that happened in Northampton, and some cute pictures of Thomas. All I have to do is decide which camera lenses to bring with me!