In honor of Project Spectrum's colors for this month and last month here is a little something I made. The bracelet and earings are both made with Swarovski crystals and I am in love with it so much that I am almost tempted to keep it myself! My Mom has a friend that gave her some info on a women's guild in a nearby town that gets together to sell their home-made wears once a month and thought that I would be interested. I am totally interested but I would have to make at least 20-30 pieces in order to be able to sell them. I cant wait to find out more about this. If anyone is interested in purchasing this gorgeous green set I am selling it for $30.
Saturday was my husbands 40th birthday so we celebrated yesterday with a huge dinner and a buttercream banana sailboat themed cake. I wish we had the pool open because it was so hot it would have been great for the kids to get in there to cool off. As I type these words my husband is replacing the motor which was shot so we can get going and get swimming! We didnt open the pool last year due to my going through chemo and surgery. I dont want to prevent the kids from having fun this summer so hopefully we can have the pool open in a couple of weeks.
We went out the night before to see PIRATES and it did not disappoint. My husband and I thought it was the best of the all three movies. They even left it open for another movie (if they really want to do another one that is). We stopped at the bookstore (of course) and I bought Joan McGowan-Michael's book Knitting Lingerie Style, Bags-A Knitter's Dozen and some knitting magazines. The Lingerie book is absolutely gorgeous! There are so many things I want to make in it (and no, its not the thongs!). She really knows how to show off a woman's body with her designs.
One of the lilies my son and husband planted in our front yard. I regret not getting a picture sooner because all of them were in bloom and now only this one remains.
I am so excited to be going to see the Yarn Harlot on the 30th!! Ever since finding out I was going to this event I asked almost every knitting friend I knew and not one was able to make it. Its in the middle of the week and people just cant get off work to go but yesterday I got my non-knitting cousin (for the moment because I sent her home with needles, yarn and a "Teach Yourself Visually" Knitting Book!) to accompany me. You cant imagine how happy I am that she is coming with me. Now I have company, someone to talk to and SHOP with!! What more can I ask for. Now all I have to do is get her addicted to knitting. I showed her "Knitting Lingerie Style" and she loved the designs in it as did her husband! He was encouraging her to pick up those sticks!
What a pretty bracelet and earing set, well done. Happy belated Birthday to your husband, sounds like he had a fab day and what a lovely cake, at least you are having some good weather, it is really cold wet and miserable here in the UK, worst May we had for a long time. Your Knitting Lingerie book sounds really super, nice that you have someone to go with to the Yarn Harlot, always better with a pal rather than on your own. Enjoy the day, I bet your cousin shall soon be hooked! How is your Tidalwave socks going? I may copy you if you don't mind and use that pattern also, for the April kit instead, looking at comments on the kal, the grasshopper pattern sounds too fiddly, something I will soon lose patience with for sure, and will hate having to keep re-using the same frogged yarn,it'll lose it luxuriousness in no time.
Sorry for the crappy weather you are having in the UK hopefully it will turn around soon and the sun will start shining. The tidal wave socks are doing great. I am almost done with the 1st one. I have a lot of SIP's (Socks in progress) so its slow going, LOL. I wouldnt do that grasshopper pattern if I were you I think you will be disappointed in how the pattern turns out. I do think it would work with a yarn that has some nylon in it as opposed to the Silkie. Its just not a good combination.
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