Thursday, May 29, 2008

Catch Up

I am trying to play catch up with all that was going on when I wasnt blogging due to the 'Great Gelato Incident'. At least my computer is working (knock on wood). Here is a picture from the Heel Options class I took at my LYS, Knitting Central, with Charlene Church.

My husbands birthday was on Memorial Day so I decided to make him a cake. I was writing his name on the cake then realized that I wanted to write "Daddy" instead of his name. So it came out kind of funny with his name and "daddy" after it. We all had a laugh at his expense over it.

Fooling around with my little Canon Elph camera getting some candid shots of my daughter.

The Old Man & My Old Man
Thats my oldest doxie Frank with my husband. I thought the title was funnier than saying that though. Funny story: I was at fancy gourmet chocolate store near my home and bought some chocolate covered malt balls along with some peanut butter carob dipped dog biscuits and when I went to pay for them I said, "My Old Man is going to love these!" The man ringing me up at the register politely said, "Miss, those biscuits are meant for dogs not for people". I laughed because when I said that I didnt realize that people dont know that I refer to my oldest doxie as 'my Old Man' as a term of endearment. I explained this to the guy and he couldnt stop laughing. I guess you had to be there but it was really funny. Speaking of my Old Man Frank, I found a very hard lump right near his hip bone and I am inclined to think that its not a good thing. He has so many lumps and bumps all over his body there is really nothing the vet can do at his age. He's to old to be put under anesthesia due to his mild Cushing's Disease and I dont want to do anything to stress him out if he's eating, drinking and happy. I do think he really misses his buddy, Ernie, because he hasnt been the same since he died. Remember, he was with him almost his entire life and I guess he doesnt know what its like to be without him. Having Duncan and Sampson, the puppy, makes it bearable for him but you can see he misses his friend. Frank will be turning 13 years old on June 25th which happens to be the anniversary of my husbands and my first date. I can still remember that evening we went out on my husbands boat and I didnt want to leave my puppy alone on his first birthday! He proceeded to pee on one of the cushions on the boat! My husband wasnt to happy about it but I guess he didnt want to yell at his girlfriends dog at the time for fear I would not want to date him! I thought it was cute and well deserved because my husband made a comment that small dogs were not "real" dogs. He doesnt think that anymore!

Sampson & Son
How cute is this picture! I know there's some peanut butter in there (lick, lick). The puppy is now 7lbs and getting big at 5 months old. Soon it will be neutering time. I am sure he's counting down the days, NOT.

My new Namaste bag and gorgeous sock yarns from
There's various sock yarns from Zen Yarn Garden, Unique Sheep, Family Pendragon, Malabrigo lace (which is sooooo soft and yummy!), and my all time favorite Ms. Babs Yummy Sport Weight sock yarn in Van Gogh, Bluegrass and Cleopatra. I need to get busy and knit faster so I can make these socks! If anyone out there is awaiting the "Joe Cool Kit" that Jen over at Woolgirl is putting together keep an eye out for the stitch marker in there because I made them. I have a biased opinion of course but I think they are very Joe COOL! I hope you all like them!

I received my Rockin' Socks Club shippment for May and I LOVE the color! I am hoping that I can pull off the pattern though. Its absolutely beautiful but I am not sure if I will have problems with it. I am not going to sweat it. If I feel its not making me happy I will just use another pattern, no worries. I dont have a picture because my battery died and its being charged at the moment. I was taking pictures of this gopher like animal in my yard when the battery light went on and then died. My husband heard barking like sounds coming from a bush in the front yard and then this creature came out. I really dont know what it is but I am inclined to think its either a gopher or groundhog. I think they are basically the same animal from all the pictures that came up when I Googled them both. I'll ask my neighbor what he thinks because he knows about all those things especially if they like to eat stuff in his garden!


Chrissy said...

Jeanann: Your kids are so cute. I love the one of your son with the dog. The socks look great. I really enjoy comming here and reading your blog. Have a great day!!! Chrissy

CurlyBrunette said...

Thanks so much Chrissy! Isn't Sampson the cutest doxie puppy you've ever seen?! I am a little biased about that but he is certainly adorable.

Curly Cable said...

Oh your kids and doggies are just so cute, I love your new knitting bag too, really classy :)

CurlyBrunette said...

CC, its the best bag ever! I can fit sooo much in it!