Friday, November 21, 2008

Better Late Than Never

I know posts in these parts have been scarce but I haven't really had to much to talk about and have been busy with the everyday goings on of life. Well, I do have stuff to talk about but don't want to share them at the moment for fear of furthering my acid reflux into a full blown bleeding ulcer. So, lets move on to something that makes every knitter happy, a FINISHED PROJECT!! Can I hear a Woohooo!!! This should have been completed by the end of the October but better late than never! It is my Breast Cancer Awareness Beret made with Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks that Rock Heavyweight that I bought at the New York Sheep and Wool Festival (Rhinebeck). The color is absolutely fabulous and is called Hot Flash. Its an assortment of pinks that range from pale to BRIGHT hot pink. Pink is my favorite color so I love it and its something I will definitely wear and actually wore it today to take the kids to school. So without further ado:



That's my daughter modeling for me. I have a small noggin so it fits us similarly and its kind of hard to get a picture of it on my head!

On another subject I reached a goal with my weight loss! A few weeks ago I received my 10% weight loss goal award and I am so happy! Back when I joined WW in July I couldn't even think of reaching this goal. I set my goals small and slowly but surely I reached them one by one and there it was! Another great side effect of the weight loss was dropping my cholesterol and triglycerides to a normal level. High cholesterol runs in my family on both sides so I have to be very careful. My triglycerides were at dangerously high levels. Levels high enough to double a persons risk of stroke. My risk is even higher then a normal persons because I am a woman, I suffer from migraines and I have had cancer. When I started WW in July I was a size 14 and now I am wearing a size 10!! Can I get a Whoohoo!!! The size 10 is actually loose on me so thats even better! Thanksgiving is around the corner and I told my Mom I am making a healthy dessert. The dessert is called Black Bean Brownies and I got it out of one of my WW meetings. All you have to do is mix one package of brownie mix with a can of black beans that have been pureed in a blender. Follow the directions on the box of brownies and watch them. They will take a bit longer to cook but they are fabulous! I fooled my family and even my Dad. Lets see if I can fool them all on Thanksgiving!

One last super exciting thing I have to mention is that we booked a vacation to DisneyWorld!!! Our family has not been on a vacation since 2004 when we last went to DisneyWorld. My daughter was 4 and my son was only 18 months so its going to be a whole new and exciting experience for both of them. When I was going through chemotherapy for breast cancer 2 years ago my Mom had said that when I was all better she wanted to take the whole family on vacation. At that moment I couldn't even think of what it would be like to go away on a vacation because I wasn't sure what the future was going to bring. I told her when I was ready to go I would let her know. Well, we desperately need a vacation. Especially after all we have been through. Not only me but my husband and our 2 kids deserve to go away and have fun. Our Christmas present from my parents is the trip to Disney. We couldn't be happier or more thankful. We're going to DisneyWorld!!

Check out my updated Etsy Shop

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