Monday, September 01, 2008

(U)FO's and Aliens Sighted on the First Day of School

Here is the UFO (unfinished object) that really is a Finished Object:



I have had those two skeins of Blue Sky Alpaca's Bulky Hand Dyes for 2 years and finally have made something with them! I bought them when I first started knitting and I thought I could make something with 45 yards of bulky yarn. Well, I did try to make a baby hat but it was way to uncomfortable for me to use size 17 DPN's (this is before I learned how to use the magic loop). Then I tried to make a neckwrap with it in stockingette and the edges curled it up into a tube so that was a no go. So there it sat in my stash waiting for the perfect project. Its definitely a very colorful and artsy scarf but I like it a lot. The big pink ribbon in it is just for decoration.

First day of school for my kids was on Thursday so my husband and I brought them in with their HUGE boxes of supplies. I went with our son and my husband went with our daughter. Her classroom is all the way on the opposite end of the school so we had to split it up. Later on we caught up with a few friends for a cup of coffee in the school cafeteria where it was so noisy you couldn't hear yourself think. It was crazy and this week is Open House. I have never been to Open House at my kids school but this year I think I should go to meet both their teachers. I met my sons teacher on the first day but I haven't met my daughters yet. Here they are on the first day of school and don't let those smiles fool you:

First Day of School 2008-9

I bought this awesome dessert cookbook last week at Barnes and Noble called HELLO, CUPCAKE. The kids were dying to have me make some of the really cool ones in there and let me just say there are some really artistic and funny cupcakes in this book. I highly recommend it. What I like is that the materials you need to decorate are in your grocery store and they are simple to get a hold of. My daughter picked out the ALIEN cupcakes so thats what I made. The only thing I didn't have were the chocolate dipped sunflower seeds for the eyes so I used chocolate chips instead. I also omitted the antennae made from red string licorice. They kind of look like green ghosts without them but hey, thats OK. No one has ever really seen an alien, right? Well, we will just leave it at that. Here are the aliens:

Alien Cupcakes

Alien Cupcakes

"Beam me up Scotty"

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