Monday, September 01, 2008

CurlyBrunette's Creations is OPEN for business!

For the past few weeks I have been hard at work doing my research to open up an Etsy store of my own. I wanted a place where everyone can go to buy my jewelry and creations. Not everyone has the time to have a party due to work, kids, school and just hectic schedules of life. I am so excited over this and I am hoping lots of people come and browse and even buy some of my wares. The web address can be reached by clicking on the CurlyBrunette's Creations Etsy button below my picture on the sidebar or you can just click here: CurlyBrunette's Creations
Please be patient with me as I add more items daily. I am hoping to get as many different designs out there for the holiday shoppers because they are coming! Right now there are necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and sets up but I am planning on adding more categories that involve other crafts. I don't want to say what they are going to be just yet because I am still planning. Keep your eyes open for some really neat stuff! So, head on over to Etsy, they have lots of beautiful handmade stuff that you can browse for hours. Have fun and thanks for looking!

I also took the "Buy Handmade Pledge" which is the link below my Etsy button on the right. I would love if you all would take that pledge along with me. Handmade has heart unlike all the mass produced crap that comes from countries I wont mention, but you get the picture. Go ahead and take the pledge!

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