Saturday, June 21, 2008

FO's & Froggin'

I know I am a bit late on posting these pictures but I hate to ruin the surprise for other members of the club that haven't received their kit yet. So here it is:

Woolgirl Sock Club Kit~June 2008

Woolgirl Sock Club Kit~June 2008

I absolutely LOVE this kit! I cant wait to start these socks. However, I am waiting to finish my LEAFLING socks from the Rockin' Socks Club which I am almost finished with, then I will start these babies. I was in this sock knitting funk and I finally got my mojo back. I dont know why but now I am in the sock knitting mood so I am not only going to finish the LEAFLING's but start the next kit for Blue Moon, complete the Garden Anklets for my LYS's Sock Club AND start these beauties. The colorway is called FROGGIN'.

I finished the baby cardigan I was working on for my friends baby. Its the pattern from the Knitters Book of Yarn which I highly recommend. I used Blue Sky Cotton which happens to be my favorite yarn. The size for 12 months calls for 3 skeins and I only used 1.75 skeins. Yes, I am on gauge, both row and stitch. I heard all you thinking that out there! I read all the reviews on RAVELRY before making this and most people used at least one skein to a half a skein less than what was called for in the pattern. The only problem I had with this is that I used the size buttons that was called for but somehow the way the pattern has you make the buttonholes makes them a lot larger than the buttons. I went out today and bought these larger buttons and in my opinion, are a much better fit.


Its been 2 years since my hair started growing back from its loss to chemotherapy. I have been keeping pictures of its journey to where it is now. I have had MANY haircuts along the way because if I didn't it would be past my shoulders by now and maybe even bra strap length. Its OK because I have enjoyed the journey here but I do want my hair long again. I am not sure how long at the moment but long enough to put in a pony tail or a clip. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer my hair was 32" long and past my waist. Everyone asks me if I am going to grow it that long again and I just don't know right now. Like I said, I am just enjoying the journey.

My Hair June 2008
My Hair June 2008

I am really a Curly Brunette! LOL

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