I think I forgot I had a blog! Wow! Last time I posted was summertime! Its now a new year with a lot of snow on the ground outside. The past few months have flown by and things have been going well. My niece is getting older. It seems like yesterday she was born! Well she was born in March and at the rate I post, it was yesterday! She will be a year in a couple of months! Lot's of exclamation points in this post.
In August my family and I went to the Restoring Honor Rally in DC on 8/28. It was fantastic! We spent a long weekend in Washington and showed the kids all of the different and amazing museums, monuments and history of our Capital. My husband and I took a few much needed days on LBI (Long Beach Island, NJ) after we went to the Freedom Concert at Six Flags Great Adventure. That was also great! It was a little too expensive so the next time we go somewhere for a few days it's going to be cheaper. My Mom and I did the AVON Walk for Breast Cancer in October. This past Thanksgiving and Christmas was the first in a really long time that my sister didn't start a major fight. I couldn't believe it but I won't question it. Now, let's hope it continues. Otherwise not much stuff I going on here. I think thats why I haven't posted in a really long time. So until next time, Beam me up Scotty.