Monday, July 19, 2010

Feeling Hot Hot Hot!

It's sticky, hot and humid out and it has been that way for a few weeks now. You can call it a heat wave baby! I really don't like the summer time and this is the main reason, the heat and humidity, plus all the thunderstorms to boot really make it hell for me. It has also been a very busy summer for me because both my kids have been in different camps and activities and that means that they get out at different times and such. Sometimes I feel like a taxi!

My Oncologist visit went well (in June) and I don't have to go back until December. Good news is always good around here!

Now all I have to do is get some more time to do my knitting, crochet and jewelry and I will be a much happier person!

Sunday, June 06, 2010


Yes, I am alive but obviously not blogging. I don't know, I have just not been in the mood I guess. Sorry I havent been here. Lots going on and maybe that's the reason I havent been around. I know you all have heard a lot about my sister and that she was due to have her baby in March. She did and all is well. Our relationship has taken a complete 180 which is a very good thing. Christmas was OK and then her baby shower was OK too. Things changed a lot when she had the baby though. I have been a very devoted and doting aunt which is what I planned on being anyway. When I have time I I will post a picture of her. Her name is Alessa.

I also had some minor surgery in January. At the time they were not sure if what they were removing was benign or cancerous so I went out and chopped all the hair I had been growing out up until then. I never should have done that but I though the worst so thats why I did it. Turns out it was just a benign polyp and I am doing great. Next oncology appointment is supposed to be this month. I think I should make an appointment! lol

Knitting and crochet has been totally dedicated to the baby. Baby blankets, baby clothes, baby everything! I have to get back in gear and make stuff for other people too!