I think I forgot I had a blog! Wow! Last time I posted was summertime! Its now a new year with a lot of snow on the ground outside. The past few months have flown by and things have been going well. My niece is getting older. It seems like yesterday she was born! Well she was born in March and at the rate I post, it was yesterday! She will be a year in a couple of months! Lot's of exclamation points in this post.
In August my family and I went to the Restoring Honor Rally in DC on 8/28. It was fantastic! We spent a long weekend in Washington and showed the kids all of the different and amazing museums, monuments and history of our Capital. My husband and I took a few much needed days on LBI (Long Beach Island, NJ) after we went to the Freedom Concert at Six Flags Great Adventure. That was also great! It was a little too expensive so the next time we go somewhere for a few days it's going to be cheaper. My Mom and I did the AVON Walk for Breast Cancer in October. This past Thanksgiving and Christmas was the first in a really long time that my sister didn't start a major fight. I couldn't believe it but I won't question it. Now, let's hope it continues. Otherwise not much stuff I going on here. I think thats why I haven't posted in a really long time. So until next time, Beam me up Scotty.
Knit Happens
A Breast Cancer Survivor's journey of knitting her way back to a normal life or as she calls it "A Purl Interrupted's Story"
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Monday, July 19, 2010
Feeling Hot Hot Hot!
It's sticky, hot and humid out and it has been that way for a few weeks now. You can call it a heat wave baby! I really don't like the summer time and this is the main reason, the heat and humidity, plus all the thunderstorms to boot really make it hell for me. It has also been a very busy summer for me because both my kids have been in different camps and activities and that means that they get out at different times and such. Sometimes I feel like a taxi!
My Oncologist visit went well (in June) and I don't have to go back until December. Good news is always good around here!
Now all I have to do is get some more time to do my knitting, crochet and jewelry and I will be a much happier person!
My Oncologist visit went well (in June) and I don't have to go back until December. Good news is always good around here!
Now all I have to do is get some more time to do my knitting, crochet and jewelry and I will be a much happier person!
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Yes, I am alive but obviously not blogging. I don't know, I have just not been in the mood I guess. Sorry I havent been here. Lots going on and maybe that's the reason I havent been around. I know you all have heard a lot about my sister and that she was due to have her baby in March. She did and all is well. Our relationship has taken a complete 180 which is a very good thing. Christmas was OK and then her baby shower was OK too. Things changed a lot when she had the baby though. I have been a very devoted and doting aunt which is what I planned on being anyway. When I have time I I will post a picture of her. Her name is Alessa.
I also had some minor surgery in January. At the time they were not sure if what they were removing was benign or cancerous so I went out and chopped all the hair I had been growing out up until then. I never should have done that but I though the worst so thats why I did it. Turns out it was just a benign polyp and I am doing great. Next oncology appointment is supposed to be this month. I think I should make an appointment! lol
Knitting and crochet has been totally dedicated to the baby. Baby blankets, baby clothes, baby everything! I have to get back in gear and make stuff for other people too!
I also had some minor surgery in January. At the time they were not sure if what they were removing was benign or cancerous so I went out and chopped all the hair I had been growing out up until then. I never should have done that but I though the worst so thats why I did it. Turns out it was just a benign polyp and I am doing great. Next oncology appointment is supposed to be this month. I think I should make an appointment! lol
Knitting and crochet has been totally dedicated to the baby. Baby blankets, baby clothes, baby everything! I have to get back in gear and make stuff for other people too!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas!
I forgot to post this picture after I completed it. It's a Christmas gift for my sisters baby coming in March and I thought it would be nice to include a gift for the baby. The rest of the stuff I am making I will be giving her at the baby shower in February. Without further ado I present my Baby Starghan blanket:

I made alot of necklaces that have wire crocheted pendants almost like an amulet style. They are going to be for sale in my Etsy store sometime in the new year. The focus of my store is going to change toward crochet and woven pieces that are simple yet elegant in their style. I am so excited and I cant wait to show you all! After Christmas I will be posting pics of them. I dont want to do it now because they are gifts and that would mean ruining the surprise! Anyway, I have so much to do today and not enough time to do it. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!
I made alot of necklaces that have wire crocheted pendants almost like an amulet style. They are going to be for sale in my Etsy store sometime in the new year. The focus of my store is going to change toward crochet and woven pieces that are simple yet elegant in their style. I am so excited and I cant wait to show you all! After Christmas I will be posting pics of them. I dont want to do it now because they are gifts and that would mean ruining the surprise! Anyway, I have so much to do today and not enough time to do it. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!
jewelry making,
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Not Enough Time in My Day for All this CRAP!!
So much has happened since walking the AVON WALK in October. Turns out I forgot my camera when I left for the hotel the night before and my Mom didnt have her camera so no pictures from the walk. I was upset about that but overall I was more proud of the money we both raised and the great job we did walking all over NYC. It was a blast and so many people were out there to great us with inspirational signs and high fives. My Mom and I raised a total of almost $6,000 which I plan to beat next year by leaps and bounds.
The following week was the NYS Sheep and Wool Festival which was predicted to be rained out but we headed up on Saturday and the rain held out until after we left. I was able to get a few nice skeins of Blue Moon Fiber Arts yarns. I was saving up my money for STITCHES EAST which this year was held in Hartford and was happening just a week after Rhinebeck. My husband and I made a date of it and had a great time. He even won a door prize from Liza Souza yarns! I thought that was so funny. Afterwards we headed to Ruth's Chris Steak House for a belated anniversary dinner. We celebrated 11 years on 9/26 and never had a chance to go out and celebrate so better late then never.
I almost forgot that my son's 7th birthday came and went and I never mentioned it. He turned 7 on the 15th of October and we had a couple of celebrations for him since it fell in the middle of the week.
I am not sure if I mentioned this here or not but I cant really go into a long drawn out story. I will give a shortened version not to bore you all. My sister is pregnant due in March with a guy who is not only an illegal immigrant but 7 years younger than her. We all know what he really wants. She doesnt even know him 8 months, maybe less. She was pregnant over the summer and had a miscarriage at 6-7 weeks but immediately got pregnant while recouping from the miscarriage. We all thought they would take the proper steps when that happened and do the right thing like get a green card then get married then have a baby. Maybe get to know each other a little bit and see if you both want the same things in life. But no, not her. So she is due in March and they are to be married by a judge civilly the day after Christmas. Oh joy. I dont have a good feeling about this guy because whenever I see him he looks like a deer in the head lights. He's 25 and she is 32. There is no way he wants the same things that she does. I can say that he definitely sees her as his meal ticket because she has the job with the benefits and the health insurance, the co-op that he moved into and so on. I hope for the childs sake that I am wrong but I am usually right when it comes to reading people. Anyway, I am knitting as much stuff as I can for the baby before she is born.
In knitting news I made another baby item for my kids school principal who had a baby girl over the summer. I used Bon Bon yarn and Louisa Harding for the trim. It was a very quick knit and fun too.

Colorful and cute! I hope he and his wife like it. Now I have to start something for a patients 2 year old whom I have no idea what to make. There are so many things I could do but when you want to make them all its hard to make a decision! LOL
I am presently working on a Christening Blanket for my sister, half mittens for myself and a pair of socks that I have been working on forever! I still want to start something new, NOW! I am sure whatever I finish first will be posted here for all to see but who knows when that will be.
Over the past few months I havent been feeling well and have seen an ENT several times thinking it was a sinus infection of sorts. He told me that it was a deviated septum but was unsure that it could cause all the pain I was having and am still having. I am having more than pain now. I am dizzy and cant focus on anything for a long period without getting dizzy or nauseous. I have problems driving too which scares the heck out of me because my job entails driving and lots of it at times. So yet again I am headed to the Dr to check me out and see what the problem is. I am hoping I can get some answers and maybe feel better! I am praying that happens soon because I cant take much more of feeling this way.
The following week was the NYS Sheep and Wool Festival which was predicted to be rained out but we headed up on Saturday and the rain held out until after we left. I was able to get a few nice skeins of Blue Moon Fiber Arts yarns. I was saving up my money for STITCHES EAST which this year was held in Hartford and was happening just a week after Rhinebeck. My husband and I made a date of it and had a great time. He even won a door prize from Liza Souza yarns! I thought that was so funny. Afterwards we headed to Ruth's Chris Steak House for a belated anniversary dinner. We celebrated 11 years on 9/26 and never had a chance to go out and celebrate so better late then never.
I almost forgot that my son's 7th birthday came and went and I never mentioned it. He turned 7 on the 15th of October and we had a couple of celebrations for him since it fell in the middle of the week.
I am not sure if I mentioned this here or not but I cant really go into a long drawn out story. I will give a shortened version not to bore you all. My sister is pregnant due in March with a guy who is not only an illegal immigrant but 7 years younger than her. We all know what he really wants. She doesnt even know him 8 months, maybe less. She was pregnant over the summer and had a miscarriage at 6-7 weeks but immediately got pregnant while recouping from the miscarriage. We all thought they would take the proper steps when that happened and do the right thing like get a green card then get married then have a baby. Maybe get to know each other a little bit and see if you both want the same things in life. But no, not her. So she is due in March and they are to be married by a judge civilly the day after Christmas. Oh joy. I dont have a good feeling about this guy because whenever I see him he looks like a deer in the head lights. He's 25 and she is 32. There is no way he wants the same things that she does. I can say that he definitely sees her as his meal ticket because she has the job with the benefits and the health insurance, the co-op that he moved into and so on. I hope for the childs sake that I am wrong but I am usually right when it comes to reading people. Anyway, I am knitting as much stuff as I can for the baby before she is born.
In knitting news I made another baby item for my kids school principal who had a baby girl over the summer. I used Bon Bon yarn and Louisa Harding for the trim. It was a very quick knit and fun too.
Colorful and cute! I hope he and his wife like it. Now I have to start something for a patients 2 year old whom I have no idea what to make. There are so many things I could do but when you want to make them all its hard to make a decision! LOL
I am presently working on a Christening Blanket for my sister, half mittens for myself and a pair of socks that I have been working on forever! I still want to start something new, NOW! I am sure whatever I finish first will be posted here for all to see but who knows when that will be.
Over the past few months I havent been feeling well and have seen an ENT several times thinking it was a sinus infection of sorts. He told me that it was a deviated septum but was unsure that it could cause all the pain I was having and am still having. I am having more than pain now. I am dizzy and cant focus on anything for a long period without getting dizzy or nauseous. I have problems driving too which scares the heck out of me because my job entails driving and lots of it at times. So yet again I am headed to the Dr to check me out and see what the problem is. I am hoping I can get some answers and maybe feel better! I am praying that happens soon because I cant take much more of feeling this way.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
It's HERE!!!!
Yes, this weekend is the AVON WALK and I am ready as I will ever be. I will update you all as to what happens, of course! I am charging my camera battery at this very moment. To date I have raised $2175 which I am very proud of so the walking is just a bonus to me. As long as the money was raised thats what counts.
On the knitting front I completed another Boheme in a larger size for a patients niece born in July. I used Spud & Chloe's Sweater yarn in a beautiful turquoise color and followed the directions for the 18 month size. My gauge was off a bit but I figured so what if it was a little big. It came out to measure 25" around the chest which says should fit a 4-5 year old! I am not so sure about that. Maybe a 3-4 year old the way these kids get so big so fast these days! Here it is:

Don't you love the contrast of the buttons with the color of the sweater? I absolutely love it!

I have another baby to make something for now and I havent started yet! My kids school principal had a baby girl this summer and I didnt even know about it until the kids started school again last month. I am thinking of booties with a hat or something simple because I have a lot of baby knitting to do for my sister who is pregnant and due in March.
Things seem to be going well with her and I. I know there have been problems in the past but I am hoping thats where they will stay.
My husband seems to be doing well and healing from his surgery back 3 weeks ago. He is going to start PT in another couple of weeks and if all goes well will return to work early January.
October is one crazy month! Starting with the walk this weekend then my sons birthday next week, the NYS sheep and wool festival the following week and finally Stitches East the last weekend of October. WOW! Crazy right!
Gotta go. See you at the walk this weekend!!
On the knitting front I completed another Boheme in a larger size for a patients niece born in July. I used Spud & Chloe's Sweater yarn in a beautiful turquoise color and followed the directions for the 18 month size. My gauge was off a bit but I figured so what if it was a little big. It came out to measure 25" around the chest which says should fit a 4-5 year old! I am not so sure about that. Maybe a 3-4 year old the way these kids get so big so fast these days! Here it is:
Don't you love the contrast of the buttons with the color of the sweater? I absolutely love it!
I have another baby to make something for now and I havent started yet! My kids school principal had a baby girl this summer and I didnt even know about it until the kids started school again last month. I am thinking of booties with a hat or something simple because I have a lot of baby knitting to do for my sister who is pregnant and due in March.
Things seem to be going well with her and I. I know there have been problems in the past but I am hoping thats where they will stay.
My husband seems to be doing well and healing from his surgery back 3 weeks ago. He is going to start PT in another couple of weeks and if all goes well will return to work early January.
October is one crazy month! Starting with the walk this weekend then my sons birthday next week, the NYS sheep and wool festival the following week and finally Stitches East the last weekend of October. WOW! Crazy right!
Gotta go. See you at the walk this weekend!!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Boheme Baby Sweater
I finally completed this baby sweater for my friends niece that is celebrating her first birthday next month. Right on time with this 18 month size sweater. The pattern is BOHEME on ravelry and I used one skein of Blue Moon FIber Arts Socks that Rock Heavyweight in Rare Gems colorway. I like it so much I want to make one for myself. I think that I am addicted to making seamless sweaters now because they are so easy and fast.

On another note I reached my fundraising goal of $1800 for the AVON Walk for Breast Cancer. This doesnt mean that I cant go beyond my goal because I have a few checks that I sent in that havent been put towards the total yet.
The first week of school is over and so far so good. Both my kids like their teachers but I do have a few things I need to iron out with my sons teacher. When I bring them in to school Monday I will have a chat with the principal about my concerns.
On another note I reached my fundraising goal of $1800 for the AVON Walk for Breast Cancer. This doesnt mean that I cant go beyond my goal because I have a few checks that I sent in that havent been put towards the total yet.
The first week of school is over and so far so good. Both my kids like their teachers but I do have a few things I need to iron out with my sons teacher. When I bring them in to school Monday I will have a chat with the principal about my concerns.
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